What is Good Mileage for a Pre-Owned Car?


Englewood car shoppers always look at the odometer when shopping for used cars, and for good reason. Mileage is one of the most important factors to consider. But what exactly is good mileage on a used car? How much mileage is too much for a used car? Should you limit yourself to shopping only for low-mileage used cars? Keep reading to learn the answers.

How Much Mileage is Too Much for a Used Car?

How much mileage is too much for a used car? In general, a used car with over 100,000 miles is approaching high mileage territory. However, mileage limits vary by vehicle brand, model, year, and driving conditions. A well-maintained compact with 150,000 highway miles will likely outlast a luxury SUV with 90,000 that was driven mostly in stop-and-go Fort Lee traffic. In fact, what can be considered good mileage for a used car doesn’t depend so much on the number of miles put on a vehicle as how those miles were put on it.

What is Good Mileage on a Used Car?

So, what is good mileage on a used car? Many experts suggest limiting your used car search to vehicles driven no more than 12,000 miles per year on average. For a 10-year-old car, that equates to 120,000 miles. But plenty of lightly driven used cars fall well under that 12,000-mile annual average. For example, a 6-year-old sedan with only 40,000 miles would average under 7,000 miles per year. That’s a great find in the pre-owned market and would be considered a low-mileage used car. Here are some factors Teaneck drivers should consider when determining good mileage for a used car:

  • Highway vs. City Miles – The type of miles matters. Highway miles are far easier on engines and chassis components than stop-and-go city driving.
  • Maintenance History – A vehicle’s maintenance history can outweigh mileage in determining longevity. Find cars with complete service records showing that all scheduled maintenance was performed.
  • Brand Reputation – Research reliability ratings on any used car you’re considering. Brand reputation counts when evaluating mileage.

Check Out the Low-Mileage Used Cars at INFINITI of Englewood

You should visit us in Englewood to see the low-mileage used cars for sale on our lot. You might also want to check out our certified pre-owned vehicles. In the meantime, take a look at our essential car-buying tips so you can navigate the purchasing process with ease. We’re just down the road from Leonia, so drop by or contact us today.

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